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Accurate equation of state of H2-He binary mixtures up to 5.4 GPa

Accurate equation of state of H2-He binary mixtures up to 5.4 GPa

Zoller, Charlie M. and Ahart, Muhtar and Duwal, Sakun and Clay, Raymond C. and Seagle, Christopher T. and Ryu, Young Jay and Tkachev, Sergey and Chariton, Stella and Prakapenka, Vitali and Hemley, Russell J., “Accurate equation of state of H2-He binary mixtures up to 5.4 GPa”, 2023, Phys Rev B, Vol 108, Iss 22, 224112, DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.224112

Effect of Fermi surface topology change on the Kagome superconductor CeRu2 under pressure

Effect of Fermi surface topology change on the Kagome superconductor CeRu2 under pressure

Liangzi Deng, Melissa Gooch, Hongxiong Liu, Nilesh P. Salke, Trevor Bontke, Sen Shao, Jingyang You, Daniel J. Schulze, Ravhi Kumar, Jia-Xin Yin, Youguo Shi, Russell J. Hemley, Yuanping Feng, Guoqing Chang, Qimiao Si, Ching-Wu Chu,
Effect of Fermi surface topology change on the Kagome superconductor CeRu2 under pressure Materials Today Physics, Volume 40, 2024, 101322,
ISSN 2542-5293,

Non-Newtonian Dynamics in Water-in-Salt Electrolytes

Non-Newtonian Dynamics in Water-in-Salt Electrolytes

Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, Andrei Dukhin, Young-Jay Ryu, Dongzhou Zhang, Oleg Borodin, Miguel A. González, Osamu Yamamuro, David L. Price, and Marie-Louise Saboungi, ”
Non-Newtonian Dynamics in Water-in-Salt Electrolytes”,
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 0, 15DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c03145